
Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Electronic Health Record Incentive Program (EHR)
General Services Administration (GSA)
Small Business Administration (SBA)
American Institute of CPA's (AICPA)
New York State Society of CPA's (NYSSCPA)

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Who is Figliozzi & Company?

Figliozzi and Company is an experienced group of accounting and auditing healthcare professionals.  We specialize in the audits of healthcare facilities to determine compliance with Medicare and Medicaid regulations.  We have performed Medicare cost report audits throughout the country for MACs, program safeguard contractors, and fiscal intermediaries.  Our staff has extensive experience in cost report review and corporate compliance issues affecting:

Acute Hospitals

Critical Access Hospitals

Skilled Nursing Facilities

Rural Health Clinics


Other Healthcare Professionals

Furthermore, the Department of Justice and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recognize us as experts in the field of forensic cost reporting, auditing, and Medicare reimbursement regulations.

U.S Attorney Offices around the country have retained us to provide expert witness services in the realm of Medicare cost reporting.

We are the Medicare audit subcontractor for NGS in Jurisdiction 13.

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